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gold coast crime and public safety mygc bags replica gucci On the mainland it is quite different. In southeast South Island, Fergus Sutherland is looking for the Yellow eyed. He hears a trumpet like territorial call and watches one pop out from underneath tough elongated leaves of native flax. Appropriately named hoiho, meaning "noise shouter" in Maori, this penguin is claiming the little shelter she can find so not to suffer from heat stress. Forested areas are becoming difficult to find on New Zealand's agricultural east and south coasts, and the small pockets of native bush that exist in isolated areas act as sanctuaries: one such place is Te Rere, a coastal reserve bought by Forest Bird 30 years ago from farmers. Since then, extensive planting and invasive predator control has been underway to protect the birds there, but it is one small battle in a war. Access is only granted to those helping with conservation , and despite providing the best examp...